Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Responsible Spending of NY State Government’s Money

Well dear readers, after February 5th I’ll be back living on the dole. My full time freelance job will be turning into a possible sometimes freelance job. Yeah, it’s hard out here for a journalist. And 2010 has yet to impress me.

The prospect of prolonged unemployment is depressing to say the least, but it has spurred me to make some belated resolutions. Aside from trying to find a job and all that, here are a few things I have planned for the duration of my re-unemployment:

  • Post on this here blog three times a week. I often have lots to say about stuff, but never get around to writing or feel that adding my voice to the din of others on topics like Haiti would be futile.
  • Restart my weekly cooking as documented here.
  • Overhaul the design of my website.
  • Make my gym membership worth it. (this is vague, but I think “worth it” probably means going about 3-4 times a week)
  • Work on all the performance things I’ve thought about doing but never get around to like maybe possibly stand up comedy.
  • Actually make some of the artsy/crafty stuff I have ideas for but never do, including taking more pictures.

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